I have been following people, but I figured out that I believe I need a gmail account to comment back, is that correct?
Or can I just get on my blog, click on my followers, (which I can't seem to do), then comment?
I put in the URL for one of our classmates, and I couldn't comment.
If I need a gmail account that means I'd have to make a new blog right? I have a gmail account but don't know how to transfer this blog to that one, if you guys can help me figure out how to comment on each other's blogs please let me know so I can do it and get credit for it!!!!
More blogs coming soon...
I've been having the same problem, but not to the extent you're describing. I tried commenting on blogs via FLITE's computer, but every time I tried signing in, it would prompt me with my Gmail account. I tried entering my school email account information, but it told me it was incorrect. I went back home later that night and successfully commented, as my home browser saved my log-in info correctly. I can hit "sign-in" at home, and it automatically redirects me to Blogspot's dashboard. Wish I could be more helpful, but if worst comes to worst, email Blogspot's customer service or try to find a log-in FAQ.